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Electric Vehicle EVSE Testers

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Megger EVX100 EV Charger Tester

What is the best EV charger on the market?

With more Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment or EVSE being installed it's no wonder many people are searching for "What is the best EV charger on the market?  A tester which will conduct the tests outlined in the IET Code of Practice for electric vehicle charging.  Well let us help you make that decision!

There's a relatively small number of EV Charger Testers on the market and we offer the following trusted brands:

All three of these tester and adapter solutions will carry out the appropriate EV charge-point testing so choosing between the three models will therefore be based on the various 'secondary' features of each multifunction tester, so the basic question is "How versatile do I need my tester to be?"

Ease of use may be an important factor, for example Metrel MI3155 offers a large colour touch-screen and Megger MFT1741+ promotes ease of use via the fascia and controls for left/right-handed persons. 

The Kewtech KT66DL, Megger 1741+ and the Metrel MI3155 all come with a remote test probe as standard; the Kewtech and Metrel have a colour screen (the Megger a monochrome).  Auto-discharge of electric charges stored in capacitive circuits is standard on each tester.

Depending on the secondary usage of the tester, the following features may be of interest:

Loop impedance testing: Megger 1741+ boasts a "Confidence meter" (patent pending) that analyses the degree of confidence in the accuracy of the measured.

Earth testing: Metrel MI3155 and Kewtech KT66ET Kit is supplied with a 20 metre earth spike kit.

There are comprehensive lists of features for each of the testers on their respective webpages.