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2.5kV - 15kV Insulation

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Metrel MI 3215 TeraOhmHP 15 kV HV Insulation Tester
Metrel MI 3211 TeraOhmHP 10 kV HV Insulation Tester

About Insulation Resistance Testers

Electrical systems can be intricate and complex and ensuring their safety and reliability is important for personnel safety and minimising interruptions to your businesses workflow. Testing the insulation resistance of electrical components and circuits, especially when dealing with high voltage equipment is one crucial aspect of this; these tests are performed with an Insulation Resistance Tester.


The Importance of Insulation Resistance Testers

Insulation resistance testing is a fundamental practice for evaluating the dielectric properties of electrical systems and their components. It plays a critical role in preventing electrical failures, ensuring safety, and minimising the risk of fires and accidents due to electrical faults. This testing method involves applying a high voltage to the insulation material to measure the resistance between conductors and ground. A high insulation resistance value indicates that the insulation is in good condition, while a low value suggests a potential issue that needs to be addressed.

The wide testing range of insulation resistance testers within this category (2.5 kV to 15 kV) enables a variety of testing applications, from low-voltage circuits to high-voltage power distribution systems.

They are essential tools for maintenance, commissioning, and troubleshooting in various industries, including power generation, distribution, manufacturing, and telecommunications.

Insulation Resistance Testers are equipped with precision measurement capabilities, ensuring that insulation resistance values are obtained with a high degree of accuracy.  Accurate measurements are crucial for identifying potential issues in electrical insulation early on.

Electrical insulation degrades over a period of time because of various stresses which are imposed upon it during its normal working life. The insulation has been designed to withstand these stresses for a period of years, which would be regarded as the working life of that insulation. This often runs into decades.

Abnormal stresses can bring about an increase in this natural aging process that can severely shorten the working life of the insulation. For this reason it is good practice to perform regular testing to with a Insulation Resistance Testers to identify whether increased aging is taking place and, if possible, to identify whether the effects may be reversible or not.

Electrical insulation degrades over time because of various stresses imposed upon during its life. The insulation was designed to withstand these stresses for a period of years however abnormal stresses increase the aging process and severely shorten the working life of the insulation therefore it is good practice to perform regular testing with an Insulation Resistance Tester to identify whether increased aging is taking place and what can be done about it.


The purpose of Insulation Resistance Tester diagnostics:

  • To identify increased aging
  • To identify the cause of this aging
  • To identify, if possible, the most appropriate actions to correct the above


While there are cases where the drop in insulation resistance can be sudden for example when a piece of equipment is flooded, it usually drops gradually, giving plenty of warning if periodic testing is part or your predictive maintenance program. Regular checks with an Insulation Resistance Tester allow for planned reconditioning prior to service failure. If you fail to test periodically all system failures will come as a surprise, be inconvenient and in some cases be costly in terms of money, time and resources to rectify.


Diagnostic insulation tests which can be carried out by Insulation Resistance Testers include:

  • Spot Reading Test [IR ][IR(t)]
  • Time vs. Resistance Test [DAR]
  • Polarization Index Test [PI]
  • Dielectric Discharge Test [DD]
  • Step Voltage Test [SV]
  • Ramped Voltage Test


Applications for High Voltage Insulation Resistance Testers

Power Generation: High voltage insulation resistance testing is crucial in power plants to ensure the integrity of transformers, generators, and other high-voltage equipment.

Electrical Substations: Substations play a key role in power distribution, and utilising a insulation resistance tester is essential to maintain the reliability of substation components.

Cable Networks: Utilising a insulation resistance tester in high-voltage cable networks helps prevent failures, downtime, and expensive repairs.

Aerospace and Defence: Insulation resistance testers and the tests they perform are vital for the safety and performance of aerospace and defence electronic systems.

If you have any questions contact our friendly team today - experts are here to advise on the full range of insulation resistance testers.