Testo 835 Infrared Thermometer (IR)
Take advantage of the benefits the testo 835 series has to offer, in virtually all sectors of trade and industry: e.g. monitoring wall temperature and humidity, inspecting air conditioning and ventilation systems, the maintenance of industrial systems or the quality control of industrially manufactured products.
Testo infrared measuring technology, which delivers first-class results even at long distance, is particularly helpful when monitoring the temperature of objects that are small, moving, difficult to access or extremely hot. The many features increase the room for manoeuvre, for example in the building trade when carrying out surface moisture measurement via infrared, or in the metal, glass and ceramics industry when measuring temperatures up to 1500°C. So you can be certain of having everything under control and of safeguarding your standards of quality at all times.
▶ Testo 835-T1 Infrared Thermometer:

Testo 835 Key Features:
- Measure safely and accurately even at high temperatures
- 4-point laser shows the exact measuring range, preventing incorrect measurements
- Safe measurements from a long distance, thanks to 50:1 optics
- Integrated emissivity measurement for absolute measuring reliability
- Patented surface moisture measurement (testo 835-H1)
- Convenient menu guidance with icons and joystick
- Measuring value and location memory, and data analysis on the PC with free PC software EasyClimate
What‘s the difference between the Testo 835 models?
Get started in the field of intelligent infrared measuring technology
Maximum safety and precision when measuring the temperature of smaller objects from a reasonable distance, e.g. monitoring wall temperature, troubleshooting in heating and air conditioning systems, or the quality control of industrially manufactured products.
Includes: testo 835-T1, infrared temperature measuring instrument, 4-point laser marking, measurement data administration, incl. free download of PC software, batteries and calibration protocol.
The pro when it comes to high temperatures
Measure precise temperatures of up to 1500 °C from a safe distance thanks to its extended temperature measuring range, e.g. when monitoring product temperature in the glass, ceramics and metal industry.
Includes: testo 835-T2, infrared high temperature measuring instrument, 4-point laser marking, measurement data administration, incl. free download of PC software, batteries and calibration protocol.
Special instrument with integrated humidity module
Use its unique, patented infrared surface moisture measurement feature to detect the risk of mould in building fabrics early enough, measure humidity or check the dew point distance, for example.
Includes: testo 835-H1, infrared temperature measuring instrument, 4-point laser marking, measurement data administration, incl. free download of PC software, humidity module, batteries and calibration protocol