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606-2 Material Moisture Meter (Air Humidity Temp. Meter)

Testo 606 Moisture Meters measures the moisture content in wood, walls & other surfaces/materials. Ideal not only for professionals, but also private users who appreciate the precision which such a professional tool has to offer. 606-2 has the added benefit of measuring air humidity & temperature in addition to material moisture.

Part Number:
0560 6062

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Testo 606 Moisture Meters

The testo 606-1/-2 is a particularly convenient and easy-to-operate pocket-sized material moisture measuring instrument. The material moisture is directly displayed in percentage by weight via stored material characteristic curves. For the measurement of wood moisture, characteristic curves are available for beech, spruce, larch, oak, pine and maple. In order to locate wet spots in building materials, curves are additionally stored for cement screed, plaster, anhydrite screed, cement mortar, lime mortar, and brick.

The clip-on protective cap, wrist strap and a belt holder allow the safe storage.

Testo 606 Key Features:

  • Precise measurement of wood moisture
  • Further characteristics curves for locating wet spots in building materials
  • Hold-function for convenient read-out of measurement values
  • Display illumination


What extra do you get with the Testo 606-2?

The testo 606-2 measures air humidity and temperature in addition to material moisture. This enables drying conditions to be determined quickly and reliably on site, for example.  Includes dewpoint calculation and Wet Bulb


Testo 606 Applications:

Moisture content is a decisive factor in the further processing and use of stored timber products. If wood is installed with the wrong moisture content this may result in mechanical deformations (contracting and swelling) at the site where the material is subsequently used, and therefore damage to pieces of furniture or entire supporting structures in buildings. Therefore, before being made into furniture or supporting material by a craftsman, the suitability of the wood has to be assessed by measuring the moisture content.

Checking the moisture content of fuels, e.g. wood or pellets, is part of the daily duties performed by flue gas inspectors/chimney sweeps. A high moisture content in the fuel means energy loss and a waste of resources.

All Testo wood and building moisture measuring instruments measure the moisture in percentage weight compared to the dry mass (dry weight) of the material.

The measuring methods also include the option of measuring resistance by means of the electrical conductivity of the material or the magnetic flux leakage method, which measures using the electrical field in the material.

The testo 606-1 is a particularly practical and easy to use material moisture measuring instrument in pocket size. The material moisture is displayed directly in percentage weight by means of stored material characteristic curves for wood. Characteristic curves are available for measuring wood moisture in beech, fir, larch, oak, pine and maple wood. There are a further five characteristics stored in the instrument.

The measuring instrument uses two electrodes rammed into the material for its reading. In addition to material moisture, the testo 606-2 also measures humidity and air temperature. In this way, drying conditions, for example, can be assessed on site quickly and reliably.

The Various Models Of The Testo 606:

  • (0560 6060) testo 606-1 Moisture Meter incl. protection cap,batteries, belt holder and calibration protocol,TÜV permit according to VDI 4206
  • (0560 6062) testo 606-2 Wood and Material Humidity Meter with integrated humidity measurement and NTCair thermometer incl. protection cap, batteries,belt holder and calibration protocol, TÜV permitaccording to VDI 4206




Technical Specification for: Testo 606-2 Material Moisture Meter (Air Humidity Temp. Meter)

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