Socket and See DSO SOK True Polarity Tester for PME Systems
DNO / DSO Utility & Smart Metering, detecting Cross Polarity, Live / Neutral Reversed on Incoming Supply PME Systems!
The SOK DSO is primarily designed for electricity distribution companies to indicate cross polarities of the incoming customer supply.
To ensure that there is not a possibility of an incorrect interpretation of the indication, the user must positively press the test button to give a ground reference before a test is conducted, eliminating user error whist conducting the test - this is a unique feature of the TruPol.
It is used to test the total supply system polarity and indicate a reversed Live/Neutral on a PME system very quickly, effectively & safely, highlighting the issue not easily detectable using other means.
This modern and durable piece of test equipment can also be used as a socket tester indicating up to 19 possible wiring conditions. Indication is given both visually and audibly with a strong warbling tone for any fault , and a continuous tone for good wiring.
Socket and See DSO SOK Key Features:
- Clear indication if there is DSO cross polarity
- Visual and audible feedback
- Indication of up to 19 different wiring conditions
- Logical & simple ‘Green for Go‘ LED indication
- Indicates reversed Live/Neutral on a PME system
- One button operation
- Continuous tone indicates good wiring
- Warbling tone for any fault
- Ground reference provided by user when button is pressed
▶ Socket and See DSO SOK Video: