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Tx-10 with Rechargeable Battery Pack (10 Watt)

Radiodetection Tx-10 Multifunction Signal Transmitter has a higher power of 10 Watt & also features Fault-Find Detect & Current Direction Mode. Designed to support RD7100 & RD8100 Cable, Pipe & RF Marker Locators.

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Radiodetection Tx-10 Signal Transmitter

The Tx-10 has the highest power capability with both Fault-Find and Current Direction modes as standard

Designed for use with a locator or marker locator from Radiodetection’s precision locator range (RD8200, RD7200) to find and trace cables and pipes. Use with a PCM locator to boost the locate signal for a pipeline survey.  Together they meet the demands of tracing utilities through today’s complex underground infrastructure.

The Tx-10 is built for on-site usage and comes complete with a shock resistant, IP65 ingress protected casing which protects against knocks, drops, water and dust.  Other convenient hardware features include a removable accessory tray and a large, high-contrast, backlit LCD screen.

▶ Video: Adjusting power on your cable locator with TX-10

Video thumbnail for Radiodetection‘s TX-10 Signal Transmitter

Radiotection Tx-10 Key Features:

  • CD Mode - Indicates when the transmitter is in Current Direction Mode (CD frequencies = 6 with Tx-10, 14 with Tx-10B)
  • Apply a Fault-Find Signal with the Tx-10 transmitter (or Tx-5) and use an accessory A-frame to detect and pinpoint insulation faults.
  • iLOC remote control - an advanced Bluetooth link between the RD8100 locator and transmitter, allowing you to control the locate signal’s power and frequency from up to 1400 feet / 450 meters away. Less time walking and more time locating! (see options in dropdown product selector)
  • Automatic impedance matching - Transmit your locate signal as far as possible by automatically matching the transmitter impedance to that of your target cable.
  • Its multimeter function measures output voltage, line voltage, current, impedance and power, and characterise faults on the target line before beginning a survey.
  • Accessories to optimise the system to your needs.
  • 90V maximum output - High voltage output makes sure that you can get locatable signal onto even high impedance lines like telephone pairs.
  • SideStepAuto - The transmitter can be used to recommend a general-purpose locate frequency for the intended locate task by measuring the impedance of the target cable or pipe.


Radiodetection Tx-10 Battery Options:

  • Extend alkaline battery life by enabling ECO mode
  • Lithium Ion battery pack option -No need for operators to replace, manage and recycle alkaline battery cells, reducing the associated costs, workload and environmental burden.


Radiodetection Tx-10 Performance:

Max power output: 10W
Max voltage output: 90V
Max current output: 0.5A
Induction field strength: 1


Comparison Chart for: Radiodetection Tx-10 with Rechargeable Battery Pack (10 Watt)

Max. Output Power5W5W10W
Active Frequencies16161636
Induction frequencies8888
Current Direction Frequencies614
iLOC remote control
Fault Find
Relative induction field strength0.850.8511
Eco Mode___
Lithium-Ion BatteryOptionOptionOption
3 year warranty on registration
_ Available but disabled by default.


Accessory Code Description Price (Ex VAT)
10/TX-APSU 12V Car Power Lead with Isolation Transformer £426.00 ADD
10/TX-CD-CLAMP CD Transmitter Clamp £855.00 ADD
10/TX-CLAMP-100 Accessory 4 inch (100mm) Transmitter Clamp £331.00 ADD
10/TX-CLAMP-130 5 inch (130mm) Transmitter Clamp £430.00 ADD
10/TX-CLAMP-215 8.5 inch (215mm) Transmitter Clamp £478.00 ADD
10/TX-CLAMP-50 2 inch (50mm) Transmitter Clamp £331.00 ADD
10/TX-CLAMP-EXTROD Signal Clamp Extension Rod £47.00 ADD
10/TX-CONNECTION-KIT Transmitter Connection Kit Contains: Earth Reel; Earth Stake; Connection Leads and Magnet £176.00 ADD
10/TX-DC-LEAD Tx Direct Connection Lead £137.00 ADD
10/TX-EARTHSTAKE New Short Earth Stake £33.00 ADD
10/TX-MPSU Mains PSU £305.00 ADD