Megger OTS80PB 80kV Auto Portable Oil Test Set Basic Build with 400ml Vessel
Easy-to-use and own a Megger OTS Oil Test Set
If you need to perform oil breakdown testing then the Megger OTS is a fantastic solution.
The Megger OTS enables high productivity and it is easy to use so there‘s less chance of errors resulting in retesting which all means less user frustration!
Megger OTS80PB Key Features:
- Full Range to suit all user needs
- Easy adjust - locking electrode gap
- Fast precision breakdown detection
- Ultra fast (<10 µs) HV switch off time
- Suitable for mineral, ester and silicone oils
- Lightest - minimum weight 16 kg - portable instruments for measuring insulating oil breakdown voltage
- Lock in precision - oil vessel with lockable adjustment
- Bright 3.5 inch colour display visible outdoors
- Suitable for mineral, ester and silicon oils
- Trip detection circuit with direct measurement of voltage and current
- NEW - IEC60156-2018
- NEW - IEC60156-2018 V for Viscous Oils
- NEW - IEC60156-2018 Annex A
- NEW - IEC60156-2018 Annex A (V) for Viscous Oils
- NEW - Withstand tests
The Megger OTS also has low ownership costs:
- It has low cost accessories
- It avoids repairs
- It has a long product life
- There‘s cost-effective super user kit that even contains a 150 ml vessel for low volume testing and a handy guide booklet to cover all your testing needs
▶ Video: Megger OTS Oil Testers Overview

The Megger OTS features a clear TFT colour screen where all test result information is clearly displayed and the user interface has easy navigation keys and an intuitive menu system with six tabs. There are additional keys on OTS AF range for easy data entry if you only test to a particular range of standards these can be easily selected from a favourites list. Stored test data is easily transferred using a USB memory stick which is particularly useful in transferring data without the need to remove instruments from a truck or van. Additional or replacement test vessels are available at low cost meaning you can comply with the standards and have a separate vessel for each type of oil you test.
The Megger OTS is a tough instrument and vessel that is less likely to suffer damage. It is also future proof; If new or updated standards are released revised tests can be downloaded and installed.
Megger’s automatic portable oil test sets perform accurate breakdown voltage tests on mineral, ester and silicon insulating liquids. Moulded test vessels give repeatable results in the field and laboratory with lock in precision electrode gap setting adjustment wheels. The transparent, shielded lid is a key feature enabling users to see what is happening within the test chamber.
Megger portable 60 kV and 80 kV oil test sets are the lightest on the market ranging from 16 kg to 23.5 kg depending on model and configuration. They come complete with optional carry bag and transport case.
What comes with the Megger OTS80PB?
- OTS80PB Laboratory Portable Oil Test Set
- Vessel 400 ml assembly (stirrer lid fitted)
- Full electrode set - IEC and ASTM
- IEC and ASTM impeller
- Printer
- NiMH battery
- Electrode gauge set
- Calibration certificate
- Power DB guide
- Quick Start Guide
- OTS Vessel Preparation Guide