Megger DET2/3 High Resolution Earth Tester
The Megger DET2/3 is an advanced resolution earth tester, designed for use on large or complex earth systems which include communications earth systems and difficult test environments.
Earth Testing is essential for maintaining the safety and optimal performance of your assets, especially in the power generation industry. A secured low resistance earth path is often the difference between smooth operation and devastating electrical fires. The best general purpose earth tester in the market Megger DET2/3, it‘s been meticulously designed to provide reliable and accurate of electrical earths in even the most demanding environments. The unit can perform a range of common earth tests which include:
- Soil resistivity testing using Wenner or Schlumberger methods
- Earth system resistance measurements using 2, 3 or 4-pole art and stakeless methods
- Bond testing for checking the integrity inner connections of an earth system
The clear colour display provides easy to read diagnostics and uses an intuitive icon-based control for speed and ease of use; it also has a graphical trace function for results plotting making it possible to see more than just numbers.
The innovative DET 2/3 needs no software due to its large on-board data storage and handy on-screen keyboard, with these it can record the data from multiple sites, tag the data, load it onto a USB and even use it to auto fill PowerDB forms.
▶ Video: An Overview Of The Megger DET2/3 Earth (Ground) Tester

Megger DET2/3 Key Features:
- High resolution of 1 mΩ, ideal for large earth (ground) systems
- Versatile tests modes
- High accuracy for earth (ground) electrode grid and soil resistivity tests
- Rechargeable battery power that can last all day with a fast re-charge (up to 10 hours)
- Robust instrument with IP65 protection
- Automatic test frequency selection, with filters and high current features
- Diagnostic trace display
- Data storage
- Large colour display that shows numeric and graphical results
▶ Video: Product Features Of The Megger DET2/3 Earth (Ground) Tester

Megger DET2/3 Build For Your Environment!
The Megger DET2/3 is a robust and compact automatic earth (ground) test instrument designed to measure earth electrode resistance and soil resistivity. The DET includes the option for remote control. For use on large or more complex earth systems, which include communications earth systems and difficult test environments, it can be used to test in accordance with BS 7430 (earthing / grounding), BS-EN-62305 (Lightning Protection), BS-EN-50122-1 (Railway Applications), and IEEE Standard 81.
Test frequency, test current and filtering can be quickly and easily adjusted so that adverse conditions, which can influence the test, can be overcome, and a wide band of test current frequencies, with a resolution of 0.5 Hz, can be used to eliminate errors caused by noise in the earth.
With its microprocessor controlled system it provides a flexible and ‘user-friendly’ approach to earth tests by the provision of excellent error detection capabilities and full test information shown on a large colour display. The Megger DET2/3 can provide a live trace of its measurements, which graphically shows the amount of noise from the system under test - a powerful diagnostic tool for the expert earth (ground) test engineer.
The Megger DET2/3 also includes an automatic frequency selection feature that scans for frequencies with the lowest noise level and then runs a test at that frequency. The selected test current frequency, test current level and the increased filtering option are stored in memory for use in subsequent tests.
Use of the latest processors and a large internal memory allows for immediate calculations of resistivity (Wenner or Schlumberger method) and the ability to save a complete days’ worth of test results. Test result data can be downloaded directly through a USB flash drive or straight to a Windows PC running PowerDB software.
▶ Video: The Accurate and Efficient Megger DET2/3 Earth (Ground) Tester

Keeping Wind Farms Safe With The Megger DET2/3
Thanks to the Megger DET2/3, it’s now possible to test the earth system of an individual turbine in an operational and interconnected wind farm.
The various models of the Megger DET2/3 PRO:
- (1008-942) Megger DET2/3 PRO High Resolution Earth Tester (LG1/1P)
- (1008-963) Megger DET2/3 Earth Tester 50M KIT (LG1/1P) Includes ETK50C - Test Kit with 50m reels, spikes, clamps, plus UK mains plug (BS1363)
- (1008-983) Megger DET2/3 Earth Tester 100M KIT (LG1/1P) Includes ETK100C - Test Kit with 100m reels, spikes, clamps, plus UK mains plug (BS1363)
(LG1/1P) comes with English, French, German and Dutch languages
- (1008-947) Megger DET2/3 PRO High Resolution Earth Tester (LG2/1P)
- (1008-967) Megger DET2/3 Earth Tester 50M KIT (LG2/1P) Includes ETK50C - Test Kit with 50m reels, spikes, clamps, plus UK mains plug (BS1363)
- (1008-987) Megger DET2/3 Earth Tester 100M KIT (LG2/1P) Includes ETK100C - Test Kit with 100m reels, spikes, clamps, plus UK mains plug (BS1363)
(LG2/1P) comes with English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian languages